NDIS Support Coordination

What is NDIS Support Coordination?

Support coordination is an NDIS-funded support service to help participants use their NDIS plan.

This service includes connecting NDIS participants to community and mainstream supports and strengthening informal networks.

Like many NDIS supports, support coordination focuses on building capacity. A support coordinator works collaboratively with participants to strengthen their ability to exercise choice and control, and to coordinate their life and supports independently.

What does a Support Coordinator do?

The activities completed by a support coordinator vary based on the participant’s individual needs, but also the level of support coordination funding.

Our support coordinators help participants to:

  • Understand and use their NDIS plan.
  • Determine their service needs and connect with supports and services.
  • Set up supports and services, service agreements and service bookings.
  • Identify and manage potential points of crisis or barriers to service engagement.
  • Manage their supports and services throughout the plan cycle.
  • Plan and prepare for their plan review.

Support Coordination & Specialist SC Enquiry

Thank you for taking the time to register your interest to access Support Coordination and Specialist Support Coordination with Transpiral Wellbeing. The information provided in this form is private and confidential and will help us ensure you access the support you require in a more efficient way and match you with the most appropriate support for you. 

Referral Form

Details of person making enquiry

Details of participant

Details of NDIS plan